
Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Avery!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet and silly girl!!

Dear Avery,

As your turn 4.....

-You are about 42 inches tall and weigh 39 lbs.
-You wear mostly 5T clothes, but I have found myself shopping in the "little girls" section lately as opposed to the "toddler girls" section.
-You are still super silly. Your current favorite thing is to call everyone and everything "Mister" followed by a crazy description.
-Your favorite place to be is still in my arms (and on my left hip).  But I'll enjoy it while it lasts, or until you officially break my back.
-You are in a big, BIG mommy phase right now. You say my name constantly. You even take most songs, keep the tune and just change the "mommy mommy mommy mommy"........ Practically the only time I don't hear "mommy" is when Sunshine is "calling" me "Granny". Ha!
-You still LOVE your brother. Or as you call him, Bubba, Bubby, Bobby, BaBa and then the occasional Will-Will. Nothing warms my heart more than to hear you 2 call each other "Bubba and Sissy" and get so excited for the other one. Although you 2 do fight a lot now.  :-(
-Sunshine, or Sunny as you have taken to calling her, is still the apple of your eye. She goes practically everywhere with us and you really, really pitch a fit a lot of days if you 2 aren't in matching outfits. 
-Speaking of Sunshine....seems that she somehow takes the blame for a lot of the stuff you do wrong!!!
-You love princesses right now and playing dress up is one of your favorite things to do. That and have tea parties.
-You also love to sign, dance and perform. Your lip synching is hilarious. And good.
-You love to go shoe shopping, have your nails painted, and wear lots of jewelry.
-But you also love to run around barefoot in horribly mismatched play clothes with stringy hair in your face and dig in the dirt.  
-You still detest buttons but I have gotten you to wear them a few times recently.
-You are totally addicted to sweets right now. We must get you back on the good food bandwagon!

Happy 4th Birthday, my sweet, smart and beautiful girl. I love you SO much.

Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Birthday, Aunt G!

A few weeks ago, beautiful and sweet Aunt G celebrated her birthday!  We had a fun dinner at Mimi's house.

Cake time!

Avery helped serve the cake.



Beautiful smiles and beautiful girls!


Aunt Greta gets some sugar from her little guy.


Little helpers always show up when it is time for presents!

After dinner party games with Mimi.


Uncle Gray and his "first niece"!


Silly Will!



These 2 are up to no good!!

See, I told you!!


Happy Birthday, Aunt Greta! We love you SO MUCH!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hippity Hoppity 2013

We had a lot of fun (and candy) this Easter!!

We started with our traditional egg dyeing.....

Then we went to an egg hunt at my childhood church. We met our great buddy Garrison at GG Jane's for a few pics on her porch before the hunt.

Avery visiting GG Jane's grave. Neat how that is her house in the background.

A few pics from the waterfront at lunch. 

Me and my boy!

Strike a pose!!

Decorating cupcakes for Easter lunch. We had to keep Avery's separate because there was some what we will call "double dipping" with the icing!

The Easter Bunny came!!

What fun baskets!

And of course our egg hunt in the dark. Sorry neighbors!

Unfortunately I didn't get a pic of us dressed in our Sunday finest. We may have to reenact that soon!