
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012.....Almost Over!!

The end of 2012. I’ve been mentally writing and re-writing this blog post for about 9 months now. It has taken on many different identities over the past 9 months…..Good Riddance, 2012…….Thanksgiving and Blessings in 2012……2012: The Year of “It’s Always Something”……

One thing is for sure, 2012 has not been a normal year. It has been a year full of extreme ups and just as extreme downs. A year full of tears….both of happiness and joy and sorrow and pain. I’ve probably felt more like an adult in 2012 than I ever had before. And quite frankly, I wasn’t quite ready for that.

2012 held a brain cancer diagnosis, brain surgery, radiation and chemo for Dad, Jane’s failing health and death, a job loss for both Matt and myself, the Newtown, CT tragedy, a flea infestation, a leaky washing machine, stomach bugs, a revolving door of kindergarten teachers, expensive car repairs, and a dead possum. Quite honestly, I could go on and on.

But every time I find myself thinking about the negative, I can’t help but think of all the good 2012 had in it. All the blessings.  Access to some of the best medical facilities in the world.  No tumor reoccurrence for Dad. A trip to Disney World, that while wasn’t as originally planned, was still very magical. Both Matt and I finding new jobs with relative ease and even better, we really like our new positions. A successful first half of the kindergarten year for Will.  Avery adjusting to preschool sans Bubba with no issues. A new car. Money to pay a man to remove the dead possum. Quite honestly, I could go on and on.

Sometimes I wonder if I never allowed myself to appropriately grieve this year because I was so intently focused on being thankful and remembering my blessings and keeping a normal household and routine for the children and keeping my career intact so I could pay the bills. I honestly don’t know if the severity of the year has hit me yet.  I worry I am going to break down one day.

Really, it could be worse. People have endured more, lived with less, and you know what, they survived. The world kept turning. So I know I am blessed. Probably more than I deserve.
I’ve made new friends this year, lost old friends and found out just how strong existing friendships can be. I’ve seen first-hand just how selfish people can be and in a blink of an eye, seen how others would drop everything to do for someone else. Without the support system of Matt, family and friends, I know there is absolutely no way I could have gotten through this year. Whether it was frying up hot dogs at Will’s birthday party or the random mid-day text to see how the test results were…….it all meant the world to me.  

I feel like I need to be guarded with my hopes and dreams for 2013. You know, not expect too much. But if nothing else, I learned in 2012 that one can still find happiness amongst the darkest hour. We learned Disney is the most magical place on earth and we’re going back again this spring! I learned fleas do eventually go away and so does dead possum smell. I learned to hold on tight to those you love because you never know what will happen next.  I learned in 2012 that God never leaves your side.  Maybe that was my biggest blessing of the year: the growth in my relationship with God. 

For a long time, I truly have called this year “The Year of It’s Always Something.” I think I just stumbled upon the real theme for 2012: Blessings in Disguise.

In 2013, I want those blessings forefront in my life. This year's focus is family and simplicity. And just as I consider some family dear friends, there are several dear friends I consider family. I want to get back to the basics too. Get rid of the waste in my life....whether the clutter in my house or the clutter in my mind. Focus on what is important in this too short life.

We are so blessed to have good jobs, a roof over our heads and holiday weight to get off. We are blessed to hold hands with the one we love to tonight while jamming out with The Avett Brothers. We are blessed to have a church we love and every Sunday I am blown away with what the children get out of their programs.  We are blessed to have each other, even if for just one more day.

A few of my favorite pictures of the year.....

May 2013 bring love, faith and family to your lives like you have never experienced before.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Things

After many, many years of basically decorating for the holidays in the same manner (even in the old house), I mixed things up a bit this year. Here are a few of the notable differences.

Our new Advent wreath. And oh how I ADORE it!

Dining room tree revamped as a card tree. Gone are the red and gold ornaments of Christmas past! I do love how this tree turned out this year and look forward to decorating with this idea for many years to come! I love Christmas cards and think checking the mail in December is SO MUCH FUN!

And then the last big change….outdoor decorations. Now, I have always wanted to do more outdoor décor and as the kids have gotten older, they are practically begging for our yard to be the tackiest yard on the street. I had to work late one night and came home to one of my big pet peeves!! Colored lights!!!!!!  And our practical joke geese have made an appearance this year as well!

Now, the kids think the yard is magical. They just LOVE the colored lights so I can’t complain much I guess!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a busy, busy day! We had the Christmas Pageant bright and early and we had to get there even brighter and earlier to get a good seat!!  This year both children were in the pageant so it was extra special. And stressful!!

Avery's class were the animals at the stable and she chose her Favorite with a capital F animal...a cat. Bless her heart it was a hot costume and it was a little too big on the bottom and a little too small on top. But she didn't care. At first. By the end of church, she was so hot that I had to take her outside. By this point she had unzipped her cat jacket and was walking around in her little undershirt!!

Will was the Inn Keeper, as discussed here.  He was front and center the whole time and was pretty funny sticking his head in and out of the Inn window.  These pics were taken without a flash and without a zoom lens so they are pretty poor but you can still see him.

Ironically, as LOUD as Will typically is, we couldn't hear a single word of the lines he said. Cracks me up. I hesitated doing this, but after practice on the Saturday before, I suggested he speak a little louder. Like I said, I hesitated because at the end of the church service on Sunday, he got to do the "Thanks be to God" with the deacon at the end of the service and let's just say it has never been said as loudly as it was the day he did it. Of course his singing was loud and joyful!!!

After his part was over, he gave me the "thumbs up or thumbs down" signal! Of course he got a thumbs up.

At one point Avery stood up and waved her little heart out at us!

My loves......

A lunch at Char-Grill and Mom and I did some browsing at TJ Maxx and Home Goods that afternoon. Our baby sitters were asleep!

As were the kids of Jonestown.....

Then Mom and Dad of course did their trip to Kohls. When she got home she realized they had left all their stockings in Beaufort so I jetted out to the stores nearby that were closing in just a few minutes, trying to find them some. Luckily, I found some at Food Lion of all places!

We had a yummy dinner, complete with Honeybaked Ham and a birthday cake for Baby Jesus.

Kisses all around!

We did a Christmas lights ride and on the way home, Santa Claus himself was walking up our road. Poor Will somehow didn't see him even though they were like 6 feet apart and Will was SOOOO upset.  We tried to go back and see him but he had already gone into a house. But that was great motivation to for the kids to quickly get ready for bed because Santa was just a few houses down!!! Uncle Matt was already ready for bed!

Then it was time for Santa's snack. Wow, he got a lot of food this year. Cookies, candy, a clementine and some BBQ potato chips (courtesy of Avery). The reindeer got some reindeer food, banana chips, carrots and of course BBQ potato chips!!

Stockings, new and old, are up!

But not before pretending they were casts!

 Looking for Santa.....the reflection of the camera flash in the glass sent them scurrying to bed!

Finally everyone was in bed! And the elves could get to work. Only one thing to put together this year so that was nice!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day

9 Months ago, almost to the day, we weren't sure what this Christmas would look like. Thankfully it was a Christmas of happiness, joy and hope. Yes, Jane left a huge void and we all found ourselves questioning our "routine" plans of years past and how she was intertwined in those plans, but we were all at peace knowing she wasn't suffering anymore.

Anyway, Will got up at 3:12. AM. Through the air, like a squirrel monkey, into our bed. Matt almost punched him because he thought Will was an intruder. Thankfully he didn't! Will could see from the landing that Santa's snacks were gone and he was EXCITED.  We convinced him to lay in her bed for a while but he was wired. I made him get out at some point. He went down to the bonus room where my brother was up.  Evidently he also went into Avery's room as well as my parents'!

And then all of a sudden it was 7AM. I don't think I fell back asleep until about 5:30 or so, but at least I did.

Mad dash down the stairs!

All the loot!

Santa was a very smart eBay and consignment sale shopper this year so (s)he was very pleased with how small the actual cash outlay was!

 Avery's favorite gift! She is all girl!

Will loves his football guys!

A few random from the morning...

Lindy desperately looking for something to eat!

My princess!

Enjoying a fancy glass of OJ while watching Brave and wearing a purple diamond headband. Surely this is how all the princesses have their juice!

Nothing is harder than doing Legos on a patterned rug!

Looking for the pickle!

Oh my sweet boy....he loves him some Justin Bieber so he gave me JB's perfume and a matching laptop bag!!

Merry Christmas!!