
Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Pampered Princess

After a fun lunch with Bubba at his school, I took Avery to get her first pedicure. Well, it turned out to be a pedi and a mani!

She was funny….she was so relaxed and totally enjoying her pampering!!


Getting her piggies done!


The finished product! Of course it is purple glitter, complete with a flower!!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lunch with our favorite 1st Grader

Yesterday we had a fun day……I took a few vacation days this week and on Friday, Avery and I took McDonald’s to our fave 1st grader and we all had lunch. He picked his friend Michael to eat with us and we ate outside on a picnic table. Fun, fun!


It was also pajama day for Will’s class, hence all the Lego pjs!

Being silly after lunch!



Monkey see, monkey do….someone idolizes their big brother!


So thankful to have the opportunity to have a fun picnic lunch with my little ones!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Zoo–Part 1

Last week, Avery’s school took a fun field trip to the zoo and Daddy went as a chaperone.  I’m calling this one part 1 because Will’s class is going in mid-May and one of us will chaperone that too so be on the lookout for a 2nd post!


Avery loves her daddy and I’m glad they get to do some one on one things. I’m also glad the weather was nice for them that day!


Lots of cool animals to see!



These next pictures crack me up…..a worn out chimpanzee (I guess) and a worn out Avery!



Fun with friends!



Some more awesome animals!


All this exploring wore one little girl out!!


Friday, March 21, 2014

Family Reading Night(s)

We love to read at our house.  So when an event comes up that showcases reading, we are so there! A few weeks ago Avery had a reading event at her school. My mom took her because I had to take Will to his basketball banquet. So no pics. Boo!

Last night was Family Reading Night at Will’s school. We jetted over after dance…well, we walked over. The whole walk Will was giving Avery all the scoop on elementary school and kindergarten. Even showing her how to write her name in the dirt on the track.

photo 1


There were 4 stations to visit: a presentation in the library, read with a therapy dog, visit with Muddy the Mudcat and read with a firefighter, NCSU athlete and/or a policeman.

Well, the NCSU athlete bailed at the last minute but another nice young teenager who said he played soccer with the Y when he was 5 read to the kids. It was great!

Visiting with our old pal, Muddy!

photo 4


My favorite part of the evening was reading with the therapy dog. There were several dogs there and while we got to meet the giant poodle, Will actually got to read to the golden retriever, Jake.  This was special because Aunt Greta’s dog also is a therapy dog and reads with children. Too bad Beatrice wasn’t there!

Jake was so sweet and very well-behaved. Will kept commenting on how good he was trained. I guess that isn’t saying much about Lindy and Stella!!!!

photo 2photo 3

Monday, March 3, 2014

March Madness

Okay, the season really ended up February but it’s basketball baby!!!

Will had his first foray into organized basketball this year, playing Upward Bound ball through the neighborhood church. Which translates into a 2 minute commute which is just what this overtired, working mom needs!

While the rules of Upward weren’t to my liking, I really liked the Christ-centered message of the whole season. And goodness gracious, don’t get me started on the color of the uniforms!!!!

A few pics from the season. I obviously need to practice my action shot picture taking skills. Most of the pics are too blurry!  By the way, he gets the tongue action from me!


It was fun to see the team grow throughout the season. The last game they finally got the concept of passing the ball….almost to a fault though because all they did was pass and no one ever wanted to shoot!!

Will and me at his banquet last week.  He won the little shooting contest they did! Made 4 out of 5 shots…banking 3 of them!!
