
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We put the “Fam”….

…in Family Reading Night this year at school!! After a weather cancellation earlier in the month, we finally got to have this fun night. The weather cancellation also meant Aunt Greta and “Cousin” Beatrice got to be a part of the fun too!

My little readers……

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Sissy picked out a Lego book to read because she knew Bubba would like it. Bubba planned on reading one of his library books to the dog but I don’t think he ever did.

Posing with Aunt Greta…


The kids got to take home a Disney book and Pluto too. Stuffed animals are big around this house!

They also had a fireman reading to the kids. 


Avery and Will were funny with him. Will told him we lived across the street from the fire station (we don’t). When Fireman David asked the crowd if they had any pets, Avery piped up that we have ants in our dishwasher (which is true…in the spring and summer). Then she added cockroaches. AAGGHHH!! 

Ironically she never mentioned the 2 pets that actually reside in our house.

There was a hot dog dinner in the cafeteria that Daddy was able to join us for. Because there were a lot of “no shows” that night, Avery got to go back and read with another dog.This time with a tiny little poodle, which is quite the opposite kind of dog from Bea!!  The 2nd reading time was in Will’s classroom so I had a good time chatting with his teacher and letting Will show off his room to me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Three B’s



And a baby.

The last one is especially cute.  J

We traveled to Beaufort a few weeks ago to celebrate my mom’s birthday.  She and Avery had been planning a “Bahamas” themed birthday party for weeks. Personally, I wish we could have taken everyone to the Bahamas and celebrated there!

Anyway, Avery has been very excited…excited to the point where she was up before 6AM on Saturday morning, ready to decorate.  So decorate we did. Don’t laugh too hard.


Us girls had a mid-morning tea party. Clinkies and Pinkies!

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We had a pizza lunch. My aunt and uncle, who was also celebrating a birthday, as well as Matt, Cecily and the baby celebrated with us. Happy Birthday Mom and Bo!

Time for cake!

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And now it’s time for baby snuggles! Avery is positively smitten with this little guy. She just wants him. She kept saying “Just give him to me” and would stick her little arms out impatiently.  Ha, yeah right, like I’m just going to hand him over so she can walk off with him, holding him by one arm like she holds Sunshine. She was dying to change his diaper over and over too!

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Matt gets in on the action…..

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Will loves him in his own little way too. I think Will is nervous around him, although they did relax on the sofa for a little bit after lunch while watching the NCSU game.

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Meanwhile, Sunny tries out the baby’s swing.


And Will works on a puzzle.

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I finally got me some good snuggles.

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A little photo shoot before everyone left….

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Are we done yet?!?!?!

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Shopping Buddy

I had to make a trip to Boston for work this week and you know what, it’s really cold up there and there is like 7 feet of snow piled everywhere. And I don’t really have a true winter coat. Well, evidently finding a winter coat while there is still snow on the ground in your city in February is a lot like trying to find a bathing suit in July. The stores have already switched seasons!!

I finally found one… luck would have it, it had been returned to the store the night before and I was able to pick it up on super duper clearance, which is even better.

This little one came shopping with me. She didn’t want to go at first, but we had a rough morning around the house. Basically she throws a huge fit every time she doesn’t get her way or is corrected. Or thinks someone is interrupting her. I really thought getting some one on one time with her would do the trick so I finally persuaded her to go with me. In the end, she was so glad she did!

At SteinMart, I think she tried on every hat and purse combination in the store! I took a pic of a few of her poses!


The sales lady was less than pleased but I didn’t care. I made sure she was putting everything back the right way.

After I finally drug her away from the accessories, we hit the clothing racks. She kept holding up things to show me and asking “does this look too grandma for you?” Ha. She’s not a quiet child either!!

I promised her we could look for jewelry to accessorize my new clothes. Well, that turned into another 20 minute parade in front of mirrors. She couldn’t unfasten any of the big jeweled necklaces, so she just put them on top of her head like headpieces. She was in love. And very put out when I wouldn’t buy her one!

She also threw this one out there at me on the drive home:

A: “Are you allowed to have children before you get married? “

Me: “Um, yes, it can happen but it’s not necessarily always the preferred order of operations. Why do you ask?”

A: “Because I want my kids to come wedding dress shopping with me.”

Hahaha! What can I say….we love to watch “Say Yes to the Dress” together!

When we got home, she helped me pack. She picked out some great outfits, complete with jewelry and shoes!
