Christmas afternoon/night we spent at Mimi’s house. Lots of fun was had by all.
Avery wasn’t feeling very good…she was chilling out on the sofa, in my lap, in a princess dress, wearing a bear hat, while Uncle Gray rubbed her feet!!
I guess Uncle Gray carried her some too!
Ann and Don and family arrived and it was time for more gifts!
The next day, the McLamb’s stopped by for a visit! Lilly and Avery are too funny together. It didn’t take them long to get dressed up in princess dresses and get into the makeup, perfume and hair products. Look how slicked down Lilly’s hair is!
Avery striking a pose!
Just a few more touches….
Will had the little boys locked up in his room, showing them all his Lego’s and toys. It was pretty sweet!
Meanwhile, the big boys were downstairs, re-enacting Jon and Elizabeth’s rehearsal dinner, which was taking pictures of each other taking pictures….only 12 years ago it was with disposable cameras! I think they are actually Face Timing now!