We started off the Christmas season by getting our tree. s. That was plural. We went to our (former) favorite Christmas tree farmer at the Farmer’s Market and after much hemming and hawing, picked out a great big tree for the family room. We have never put a tree back here before……always thought the children were too little to have a tree in their main living area but we decided this was the year!
But then I really wanted a tree for the living room too, which is where we have always had our tree, so on the way home from the Farmer’s Market, we stopped at Home Depot and bought a 2nd tree!!! Two trees in the Tahoe. Oh, happy days!
The children helped decorate the big tree. I guess I should say we started out the Christmas season by getting the ornaments down from the attic. Some little people were really excited!!
Back to the tree decorating….
It was Avery’s year to do the Angel. We decided several years ago that Will got the honor on even years and Avery did on odd years. It is easy to remember because their birth years are even and odd. It was a little challenging this year, on account of the 10 foot tall tree.
They are on a step ladder. It was totally safe. Ha.
I decorated the other 2 trees that night after the kiddos were asleep. Yes, we have 3 full size trees…2 real. Any doubt we had about the addition of the extra tree this year was wiped out when Avery was standing on the front porch at 6:45AM the next morning, yelling down the street to me as I walked the dogs that “the Christmas trees were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen”.
Next was Matt’s work Christmas party!
Last weekend we made our first batch of Christmas cookies. The kids had so much fun!
Love these dirty hands.
Icing time! I didn’t get out any of my real decorating stuff. Just whipped up some icing and pulled out some sprinkles. That was all this pretty girl needed. Pardon the weird camera setting.
I think she did a pretty good job!
Unfortunately my beloved new, tall tree had to be taken to the curb today. It was infested with “conifer aphids.” If you ask me, they are “bah hum bugs!!” I was sooo sad. SO SAD.
bah hum bugs. omg. That is the best name for them!!!!!!!!! And i totally had a dream last night that I had you come over to inspect my tree for bugs. :)