
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life With Kids

There is a toothbrush in the pantry. It’s been there for like 2 months. I don’t care enough to move it.

There is a pair of dirty little girls socks in my purse from our last DSW outing.  I find them once a day while getting lunch downtown.

There is fake food in my salad spinner. I move it out to clean (real) lettuce. And then put it back in.

I guess you could say I don’t sweat the little things.

Oh, and for the record, the toothbrush has never been used. Nor will it ever be.


  1. Oh my goodness this is so our life and I love every minute of it. I have matchbox cars in my pocket book at all times, I have rocks he collected on my desk and he has toys etc all in our bathroom. Wouldn't change a thing!

  2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that is sweet to have the socks in your purse and I would leave them there...just so when you are having a bad day you can look in your purse for a smile.
    Love all around,

  3. PS this reminds me of one of my favorite movies
    One Fine Day with G Clooney and Michelle Phiffer...
    Both single parents. They arrive at day care to find it it is costume day. Of course the kids are beside themselves for not having a dress up day. Michelle starts pulling enough things out of her very large purse to make two wonderfully unique outfits. George looks at her with amazement asking where can he get a purse like that?

    Too funny.
    Love C
