I can’t believe it is already here. Will can’t even believe it is already here. The last day of kindergarten!! It has been a weird last few weeks as all of our traditional school calendar friends have already been out of school. Will started school about 5 weeks or so before them and to get out several weeks later than them just felt plain weird. Of course we’ve had the awesome track out breaks this year which have actually been a lot of fun!

First Day of School…

Last Day of School…

Think he’s changed???
I casually mentioned to Will last night that maybe he could dress up a little for the last day of school. I mention this a lot of days and well, he doesn’t listen! Truth be told, he dresses himself and 90% of the time he is in red from head to toe. The other days, well, those outfits leave even more to be desired! This morning he came downstairs wearing a polo shirt and his church pants. He looked so nice but bless his heart it was 96 degrees today and he was in a black shirt and pants. Not to mention those pants will never be worn to church, or anywhere, again, but he did look so nice today for his celebration .
After a rough start to the year with a revolving door of substitute teachers, Will’s teacher was Ms. Schenck and his assistant was Mrs. Wofford.
Matt and I joined Will at school this afternoon for the class awards ceremony and end of year celebration. Getting everyone to smile is hard.

Will received the Best Computer Operator Award!! Of course Matt and I think he was a sure pick for several of the awards!

Will and his little best bud, Gage.

And with his big best bud, Daddy.

A look at his cubby and book bag overflowing with schoolwork!

Matt helped out with a class project earlier in the spring, which was planting flowers. Look how well they have done!

Report card time! Our smart boy is well above grade level all around. I give him one more year before he completely out smarts me!

Congrats on an awesome first year, Bubba. We love you!