
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And even more Christmas!

Christmas afternoon/night we spent at Mimi’s house. Lots of fun was had by all.IMG_2647IMG_2648IMG_2652IMG_2653

Avery wasn’t feeling very good…she was chilling out on the sofa, in my lap, in a princess dress, wearing a bear hat, while Uncle Gray rubbed her feet!!


I guess Uncle Gray carried her some too!



Ann and Don and family arrived and it was time for more gifts!


The next day, the McLamb’s stopped by for a visit!  Lilly and Avery are too funny together. It didn’t take them long to get dressed up in princess dresses and get into the makeup, perfume and hair products. Look how slicked down Lilly’s hair is!


Avery striking a pose!


Just a few more touches….


Will had the little boys locked up in his room, showing them all his Lego’s and toys. It was pretty sweet!

Meanwhile, the big boys were downstairs, re-enacting Jon and Elizabeth’s rehearsal dinner, which was taking pictures of each other taking pictures….only 12 years ago it was with disposable cameras! I think they are actually Face Timing now!


Monday, December 30, 2013

Sunshine has been doll-napped!!!

And took her on all sorts of adventures on Christmas night!!!IMG_2679IMG_2680IMG_2682IMG_2685IMG_2686IMG_2687IMG_2689IMG_2690IMG_2692IMG_2693

Hahaha!! Just a note to the doll-nappers…don’t take pictures of yourself during the doll-napping!!!

I still haven’t showed these pics to Avery yet. She’s been too busy playing Barbies since Christmas!

Christmas Morning

The morning started early…..really early. As in Avery was up at 3AM with a stuffy, stuffy nose. She finally got in bed with us and then about 4AM, I see Will standing on the landing, admiring a new tree! Somehow we managed to get him to go back to sleep.  We were four wide in our bed, plus the dogs, which were snoring ESPECIALLY loud that night.  At some point I convinced Avery to go get back in her bed, and I gladly followed so I could get away from Stella’s snoring.
About 7AM, Will runs in to get us and we head downstairs.It didn’t take long for the house to get destroyed!!


There was a big wrapped box and a note to all of us from Santa. A Wii U was inside!

Will was so excited for Avery to open his gifts to her…a Barbie and her convertible. And Sissy was sooo happy.

Go Wolfpack!
Glimpses of princesses…
Remember our tree that had “bah hum bugs”….well, Tyler D. Elf surprised us with a new tree on Christmas morning. The kids were OVER THE MOON! Check out the decoration….ornaments and an angel…all Tyler style! And the tree was elf sized too!
Daddy made us some Pinterest inspired Santa pancakes that morning!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Santa’s Cookies and Christmas Eve

As our tradition goes, Matt and the kids made the cookies for Santa Claus. They were really tasty and I was sad the kids left out so many for the big guy!


NaNa and the kiddos also worked on some snowmen decorations!


Fast forward to Christmas Eve night. We dined on chicken lasagna, rode around to see the lights, and even saw Santa out at one of the big light displays!!! He motivated everyone to hurry and get home and get to bed!

Hanging stockings….


Watching the Santa Tracker to get one last set of coordinates!


Cookies, milk and 2 bowls of reindeer food….


And a finished Advent calendar!


Now everyone is all tucked snug in their beds…..and proceed to stay awake for a long time, waiting on Santa! Which just made for a long night for Santa’s elves!