I’ve been feeling a bit sentimental about Will lately. Maybe because I blinked and he was almost 4 1/2. Or maybe because it has hit me that Avery isn’t a baby anymore, which by default makes Will like a middle-schooler, at least. Whatever the reason, he is changing before my eyes on a daily basis. He is no longer that chubby, round faced little guy. He is a tall and lean pre-schooler. Better yet, he is a tall, lean pre-schooler who shows genuine love and concern for others. Most of the time. :-)
He is no longer a toddler who needs my help (whether he wanted it or not) for most things. Instead he now sets the dinner table, gets drinks for him and Avery in the afternoon, helps feed the dogs…..I could go on and on.
One of the biggest changes I’ve seen with Will lately is his interaction with Avery. Don’t get me wrong; he has LOVED and ADORED her since he first saw her in the hospital. He has always called her “his baby”. But lately he has really become a little mommy/daddy to her. He reads books to her and gets things for her that she can’t reach. He asks to hold her all the time….or maybe I should say he offers to hold her all the time, which is a huge help for me when I am trying to get dinner on the table for two over-tired and hungry kids, with 30lbs (I am sure you know what 30lbs I am referring to) on my left hip. He will rock her when she is upset, while he rubs her back and sings songs to her. I guess he has become my “Avery Whisperer”!
Yes, they still quarrel. Especially over monster trucks and cars. Avery also is in the habit of taking his stuff and making a game out of running away with it. But his maturity in dealing with these situations has improved basically overnight. Just another way I know he is growing up. Way. Too. Fast.
He misses becoming a kindergartner in the fall by 7 days. I think those might end up being the best 7 days ever because they mean I can make him stay little for one more year.
Now if I could only get him to change diapers………….