The grand finale to all the festivities last weekend was of course trick or treating. On Sunday, we dressed the kids up and headed to Mimi's house for some early trick or treating, which was nice since I had to work on actual Halloween day and our time was going to be limited on the 31st. I was lucky enough to go ahead and snap a few pics of the kids all dressed up. I say lucky because it POURED all Halloween night during trick or treating.
Snow White and Bumblebee the Transformer |
Trick or Treating at Mimi's house |
Last year we started the tradition of having friends come over and trick or treat with us. We start the evening with a fun and easy pizza dinner and then we hit the streets. We didn't let the rain stop us, although I didn't take the camera out in it so I don't have any pics of the actual trick or treating.
Pre-rain pic |
Will ran so fast the entire night that I am not even sure any rain drops actually hit him!! Avery was a cute Snow White under her raincoat, which I kept unbuttoned (bad mom, I know) so people could see her costume. By the end of the night, she was pulling in a lot of sympathy candy.
going through their loot |
Now that Halloween has come and gone, I feel like Christmas is crashing around the corner. The very nice mall Santa told us today that there are 50 days until Christmas!! And yes, we visited with Santa today. We made a quick trip to the mall to get Will some new church pants since his old ones were just "visiting his ankles" and low and behold, there was Santa. A Santa with no line. And a Santa Avery was willing to talk to. She was still nervous and visibly shaking, but she did great. Now, their outfits were horrible for this pic! But this is the first Santa pic I have with the 2 of them and they are both smiling!! Post to come!