
Saturday, August 11, 2012

What's the Smell?

Only it's not just Avery asking that question this time....What's that AWFUL headache inducing, stomach curling smell you ask? Why it is this....

And what is that you ask? Why that is a dead possum. That was trapped under our A/C unit. And caused our house to smell worse than the city dump. Way worse.

The poor A/C tech almost vomited on my front porch.

Seriously. It was bad.

Thank goodness for Airmakers, Yankee Candle Co. and Lysol.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH... I cannot imagine the stench in your home. My nose is very sensitive so I imagine I'd be tossing cookies with the a/c tech.

    Thank goodness for Yankee Candles
    Love Cecilia
