
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mary Lou Retton-esque

My Olympic gymnast reference probably dates me. I know it dates me.  Whatever.

Avery has recently shown an extreme interest in gymnastics. Extreme to the point where before she even opens her eyes in the bed in the morning she asks if she can go to gymnastics that day and when I say no, her response goes something like this: "I have been waiting my WHOLE life to go to gymnastics and I am tired and tired of waiting and not going to gymnastics is ruining my life." No lie.  She's cried. She's stomped. She's screamed.  Repeat.

But remember, she's had this same burning desire to participate in ballet and soccer. And well, we all know how those turned out for her.

I did some lunch time research and found a program for 3 year olds just a few blocks down from our house.  And it isn't on a Saturday which is important to me because between now and spring sports, I'm feeling pretty stingy about my Saturdays.  They even let us do a free trial class this week.

The class was an hour long and honestly I was surprised at 5:30 at night they could keep her engaged and entertained the entire time. But she was beyond enthralled. Her little tongue stuck out with her fists clenched is one of her tell-tale excited signs. And she was like that the entire hour.

Well, almost the entire hour. You see, after about 45 mins of constant flipping, running and jumping, she was doing a flip on the bar and puked up her after-school snack mid-flip! Ha!!!  What a way to make a first impression!  The only reason she was upset is because she thought they were going to make her leave.  The teachers cleaned it up quickly and said "it happens".  And she was right back out there.

Will was entertained for a good portion of the hour with my phone (the other 5 mins were spent between a book (1 min) and using a padded support pole as a punching bag (4 mins)).  He even snagged a few pics through the glass.


  1. i keep meaning to ask, will you got back? it looks like fun!

  2. WTG are a perfect rising gymnastic star and such good balance too. Practice hard and one day you can try out to be a cheerleader for NCSU
    Go PACK
    Love Cecilia
