
Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Do you want to see what $47 will buy you on the Valentine's Day aisle at a drug store?

One day after school last week I took the children to Walgreen's to pick out a few Valentine's Day gifts. $47 later, we left with this assortment. 

They were really cute, excited and actually putting thought into the gifts they were picking out. So it was hard for me to say "No".  If they were unsure of the type of treat or gift someone liked, they asked me for suggestions. There were even a few instances where they expanded on a particular item in an effort to broaden the recipient's horizon!

So they had fun picking it all out. Three days later when I went to wrap it all, I had a time trying to remember who got what!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Valentine Fairy..over here might be coming to visit you all in the wee hours of the night. Looks yummy
    Love Cecilia
    PS eager to hear about the KK fun run?!
