
Friday, November 15, 2013

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

More like Will’s day off, but nevertheless….I came back to Raleigh for a few days this week to spend some time with the kids. I’ve planned all year on taking Veteran’s Day off to spend with Will, who had no school. I had planned a Mommy/Son day but after being away from both of them for so long, I decided to bring Sissy along for the day.

We started the day with a tea run….I was still wearing pj pants!


We played around the house a little that morning and I cleaned up a bit.

Then we headed off to the movies! Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs…part 2!

Yes, Avery wore her princess dress. All. Day. Long.


They both really liked the movie and if you ask Avery what her favorite part was, she responds “the bad words.” Ha! I don’t even know what bad words there were….I think some potty humor, which is high on her list of favorite things right now.

Then a late lunch at Moe’s.


Will had a dentist appointment later in the afternoon, but we did manage to steal a little bit of outside playtime in the sunshine before then.








Loved spending the day with my babies. I’ve missed them a lot the past few weeks!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ghouls and Goblins

Happy Halloween 2013!!

Despite the circumstances with Dad, we still managed to have a fun Halloween.

We started the afternoon off at Mimi’s house. We went without face makeup because I knew there was no way that makeup would stay on very long!



I’m not sure what he is doing to her, but it makes me laugh. Avery looks totally disinterested.IMG_2115


In keeping with tradition, our friends the Lingg’s came over for trick-or-treating. We had pizza for dinner and then it was time for makeup!! 

My little witch getting done up!



Checking herself out in the mirror.


Then it was the zombie’s turn.  Mrs. Tiffany was kind enough to lend an artistic hand!


One of my favorite gals!


A group pose before heading out…and yet another year of Will and his women!


It’s is really hard to get a good pic when all that is standing in between kids and C-A-N-D-Y is the photographer!


And they’re off!


The makeup has taken a turn for the worse….


Giving everything a once over…


I think this is when Will was outside, flagging down passing cars and knocking on neighbors’ doors….trying to give them candy!!!

Matt and Samantha hanging out.


A final shot of the makeup!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Festival

A few weeks ago, Avery had her fall festival at school…..I’ve been to many, many fall festivals at this school. Guess this was our last one!!

My little witch listening to a Halloween story before heading off to play games, and more importantly, get candy!

photo 1


Avery and her friends…..

photo 2photo 3

Yes, she has a monogrammed witch dress!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wedding Bells continued….

Trying to get caught up on the blog!! 

I don’t have a ton of pictures from the wedding day as I was a little busy but I do have some.

The girls getting ready….


Two of the most handsome guys I know!


It takes a village….


Skip like 2 hours, and here we are at the reception, going through the goodie bags for being such wonderful wedding participants!


Yummy cake.


The happy couple!


I saw the photographer’s pictures this weekend. They are so good!!! Thank goodness someone was there to take pictures because I was such a slacker!!

Congratulations Matt & Cecily!!