
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pullen Park

This past Friday, Will's class, along with another class, went on a field trip to Pullen Park. It has been a few years since we have been to Pullen Park as it was closed for a long time for a complete overhaul. Boy is it nice now. I see many visits in our future.

A pre-play pose for a pic

 And they're off....

All aboard!

 The boat ride...poor Will was less than enthused with this once it got going as it was a little slow.

 Wolfpack Twins! Lindsay's mom, Sarah, works with me and ordered the girls these fun shirts!

 Will, his best buds and their parents. Aka, the cool caboose!
 Avery and her bud, Samantha. Samantha's older brother is one of Will's classmates. The little sisters were very happy to get tag along!
 Yes, he climbed all the way to the top. Just about gave me a heart attack!
Avery on the infamous Pullen Park carousel.
 Will showing Avery a worm....

And then my favorite photo ever...Avery realizing Will is showing her a worm!!!

It's feeding time!!

 Matt calls this one "proof that Janie was there"!! I guess I stay behind the lens a lot.

 Me and Will on the carousel. Matt and Avery were riding on the other side. For the first time every, Avery was a lot more independent on this outing. Instead of just wanting to do what Bubba is doing, she had her own opinions and own desires. It actually made things harder for Matt and least from a "now we have to be in 2 different places" perspective. Should make for an interesting Disney trip!
 See Saw.....

We had lots of fun, including the class picnic and pick-me up soccer game after lunch. Of course Matt, the kid whisperer, was the ring leader of that one!

See you soon, Pullen Park!


  1. I'm so glad you had a pretty day for the Pullen Park!! It is a spectacular makeover for sure.
    The round-round and M used to call it was my favorite. I love the State attire a good day to wear it too.
    My favorite picture is of Avery realizing Will has a worm.
    Love Cecilia

  2. Janie I love your blog and get so excited when I see an update!!!! First off the pic of Avery noticing the worm was HILARIOUS!!!!! hahaha! Gave me great laughs :-) haha!

  3. I want to go to Pullen Park now! All day yesterday, Lilly tried to convince me to take her to see Will and Avery. I should have jumped in the car! :) love you and miss you!
