
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Across the Streeet

On few minutes after 1PM on Friday, May 4th, Jane "went across the street."  Those who know Jane know that she wished to stay in her house until she "went across the street" (the church cemetery is across the street from her house) and for the most part, she was able to do so.  While she had been in failing health for some time, it is still hard to believe that she is gone.

Hard to believe that the days of parking at her house and visiting her after church are gone.  Hard to believe that we won't get her crazy packages full of feathers or coins in the mail anymore. Hard to believe that she won't be handing out Hershey's Kisses and caramel creams to her visitors anymore. Hard to believe that she won't play "frogs" with Will and Avery anymore.

I am so thankful I was able to visit her in the hospital a few days before she passed away. So thankful that she knew I was there and we were able to talk and hug. Even as sick as she was, she still had her same spunk and silliness. Telling Matt to scratch her nose when he hugged her bye and complaining about her pillow. 

She has always said to me "Love you little, love you big, love you like a little pig." As I was leaving her hospital room the Wednesday before she died, she struggled to get just that last line out. But she did and it is something I will never forget.  And it was the last thing I said to her as I was leaving her service on Sunday.

 There sure a lot of people in this world who loved Jane. She touched so many in all her years in nursing and life around Carteret County. She was such a fun grandma. I have so, so many fun and fond memories of spending Saturday nights at her house and all our trips to the McDonald's in Morehead. The road trips she and I used to take to the big city of Raleigh to see the circus or the Ice Capades.  All of our trips to Radio Island in the summer.  The many miles I drove her burgundy Chrysler LeBaron coupe around her backyard when I was all of 12 years old! Playing up at the Health Dept while she worked. Going to the old post office on Front Street with her to check her mail. I remember jumping up as I high as I could as a young child, holding a red crayon, and making a mark on her mailbox so I would always know which one it was.

I am so thankful that I had Jane in my life as long as I did. I am so thankful that I lived as close to her as I did during my childhood. She was an awesome grandma and I hope I was a good granddaughter in return.

I love you, Jane, and I miss you so much.


  1. Love you guys! Ive been thinking of you constantly.

  2. Janie this is the most beautiful tribute to your 'Jane'. She is part of who you are and left you with so many precious memories.

    I will never forget Jane's entrance into the reception at the Modlin wedding! I'm sure you heard about it but it was priceless and it was Jane!! She had fun no matter what she was doing.
    I love what she always said to you....
    Much love

  3. I love what Jane always said to you - so sweet! And I am sure she thought you were the best granddaughter! Been thinking of you all a lot! Love you lots!
