
Monday, May 28, 2012

Disney Day 4: Magic Kingdom Take Two!

Back to back days at the Magic Kingdom for us, which was great because the kids, especially Will wanted to go back. We intentionally didn’t go to Tomorrowland the first day so Will was itching to do some of the rides over there, including Space Mountain.  We actually split up this morning. I had not slept much the night before because I was up worrying that Avery wasn’t having a good time so as much as I wanted to do things with Will, I knew Avery needed to enjoy Disney her own way for once because in all honesty, a lot of our trip so far had been geared towards Will.

The boys headed off to Tomorrowland where Will rode Space Mountain over and over, the Speedway and Astro Orbiter.  Avery and I made our first morning stop at the Princesses. She saw Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty), Belle and Cinderella. I just love these pictures because you can tell just how we excited she is.  She was over the moon in awe of them. Belle even had her twirl around in her dress.  She was so star struck she could barely speak to them.

After the princesses, we headed over to see Tinker Bell and the boy fairy. I still don’t know his name, although I guess I could go look it up or look in the autograph book.

While over in Adventureland, we hopped on the Magic Carpets of Aladdin and we had a Princess Jasmine sighting. Yeah, she was not very friendly.  On our way over to meet up with the boys, we walked past It’s a Small World and Avery asked to ride it again. So of course we did.  

We found the boys and Will and I headed back to Space Mountain while Matt and Avery did the Speedway. Will has this amazing ability to somehow know where all the cameras are on the rides. So he is smiling at the cameras, arms up, having a good ol’ time on the coaster. And then there is my picture. I’m hunched over, eyes clenched shut, holding on to the bar for dear life. Too funny.  Space Mountain was really nerve-wracking because there is one rider per seat, so Will was in front of me. And the ride is in the dark. I spent most of the ride worrying that he had flown out!!  Seriously.  Later than night Matt and I were talking about it. Evidently Matt had been worried too b/c the first time they got on it, Will put his immediately put his legs ON TOP of the bar that holds you down. Geez!!!

Avery really enjoyed the go-carts, surprisingly.  I love how you can just see her big red bow when she is in the car!

At some point, Avery and I ended up back alone. Maybe the boys were back on Space Mountain. There was no wait all morning!!  Avery and I rode the People Mover, which is basically a bench on a conveyor belt through Tomorrowland. She liked it at first, until it went inside Space Mountain in the dark. And she freaked out!!! I loved just sitting down and moving in the breeze, even if I had to hold her and Duffy for part of it!

We also played in an arcade. I think we may have found the cheapest entertainment at Disney World. Skee ball was only a quarter a game!!!

Before we left Tomorrowland, Will and I rode Buzz Lightyear and we all saw the Monsters Inc comedy show. That was really funny and interactive. Although Will was mad he didn’t get up on screen!!

A picnic lunch……and then back over to Frontierland for the boys to ride Splash Mountain again.  The ride actually broke down, TWICE, while they were on it. Evidently this happens a lot.  After that ride, we took the train back around to the main gate and headed back to the hotel. 

We had had our first and only break-down of the week on the bus ride back to the hotel, quickly followed by a nap!

We wanted a little bit more of a low key afternoon. We rested a while in the room and then headed to the pool for one last splash.  We actually only made it to the pool twice during our stay. Of course we would have liked to have gone more but we weren’t there for the pool. Plus, it was fairly cold (in the low to mid 70s) most of the week. Which was WONDERFUL for park touring.

We shared a pizza by the pool. At this point the kids started telling knock knock jokes, which they are AWFUL at doing so, but they think they are SOOO hilarious. We had the table next to us bent over in hysterics, just b/c of what the kids were saying. Maybe one day I'll do a whole post on their knock-knock jokes!

Off to bed for one last day in the parks. I am getting sad that the end is drawing near.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what wonderful pictures of Avery with all the beautiful Disney princesses. Miss Priss must have truly loved all the gowns too. I liked Tinker Bell myself. LOL

    Love to you all,
