We had a great afternoon at home one day this past
week. There was very little fighting, no climbing the shelves in the
pantry for more and more snacks, etc….. In fact, we did some workbooks,
read Will’s school books, had a snack, played some football and cooked
dinner while watching a little Looney Tunes.
is doing great in school and with all the first grade work they send
home for him. As we were reading this week’s books, he was adamant he
was going to teach Avery how to read. He keeps saying he wants her to
know how to read before she goes to Kindergarten. So he has her
snuggled up next to him on the sofa, pointing out the letters in the
word “always” to her, showing her that all of those letters except for
the “s” are in her first name or his so she already knows them. He
wanted her to repeat the letter after him when he tapped it.
was in one her moods. One of sweeter moods I should say. But she was
tired and it was late in the week and she wasn’t completely into this
impromptu reading lesson. So every time he would ask her to say a
letter, she would lean over and kiss him on the cheek. This exchange
happened over and over. It was too precious.
reaction was so funny. He was frustrated that she wasn’t paying
attention to him but loving the other kind of attention she was giving
him. And it was one of those moments that I didn’t dare move to get the
camera because I knew the moment would be ruined.
A glimpse of them reading together at his 6 year old well child check-up today.....