
Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Day in the Life

I saw someone do a blog spot earlier this week about “A Day in the Life”……and I thought oh what a neat idea. I should totally do that to record just how life is for us these days. I should do this a few times a year. Too bad I didn’t start this blog when Will was first born because I think it would be a really neat progression to watch unfold over time. So I had all intentions Wednesday night of doing just that. Up until about 8:30 that night at least, the day had a few quirks, but most days do, so it seemed like as good a day as any to start this.

And then…..PUKE. Poor Avery was a very sick girl that night……over and over and over. Will was the only one who got any measurable sleep. 

So top off the stomach bug that has now hit there is Borax all over our house right now.  The dogs have been dealing with fleas for a week now (UGH) and yesterday the vet suggested putting down Borax on the carpets and furniture. This has just about put me over the edge. The dust is everywhere. Every step I take, it crunches under my feet on the hardwoods. Granted we didn’t put it on the hardwoods but it has obviously migrated there with our movements. How on earth did my pugs get fleas??!?!?!?!

So we have little piles like this everywhere from sweeping it up.

In all honesty, the fleas are worse than a stomach bug I think!!!! They are making me lose my mind.

The house is a disaster. D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. The furniture is covered in blankets and sheets….at first to keep the Borax off of us when we sat down and now to protect it from projectile puke. 

We still haven’t put most of our bedding back on the bed because I want to make sure all offending items (fleas and puke) are gone so I don't have to wash again and now there are gobs and gobs of Avery’s bedding everywhere. No lie, since last Friday around noon, we have probably done close to 35 loads of laundry. And we weren’t even here for 2 of those days!!!! My bed alone is 9 loads of laundry and a trip to the dry cleaners to get every item cleaned and puke and flea free.

I hate a cluttered house. My MIL probably chuckled out loud when she read that because every day when she comes over, she sees a cluttered house. But I can’t stand it. Every night before bed I try and de-clutter but it is always a disaster again in a matter of minutes.Now today we get to spend literally hours trying to remove all the Borax. I spent a good hour last night doing a first pass at sweeping.

Obviously sweet Avery couldn’t go to school today so Matt and I split the day with her at home. She took a good long nap for me today. I popped in to check on her and this is what I found….she was snoring her little head off!

So I do want to try "A Day in the Life...." post one day......but I'm going to let things get at least semi-normal first!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS I'm speechless and you know that rarely happens!! I guess the good news is that at least all this washing and dry cleaning is at one time rather than 2 separate "a day in the life' post!!. I hope all are well today and the fleas have headed to FL for the flea circus.
    Love to you all,
