
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Or so the song lyrics say. Right now I am not so sure. One week ago today, my father has hospitalized for a suspected stroke. My just turned 60 year old father. The best "Pops" in the world to Will and Avery. Popsie-Ray as Avery calls him. The nicest, and I mean the NICEST, man you have ever met.

So one week ago today we thought we were dealing with a stroke. One week ago tomorrow we learned the image on the screen was actually a brain tumor.

To say the last week has been a whirlwind and an emotional roller coaster doesn't even begin to describe our week. I've had a phone glued to my ear for most of the week, talking to some of the best brain tumor doctors in the world, trying to get my dad into The Duke Brain Tumor Center. Even with willing parties on both sides of the transaction, this was an extremely difficult task. I can not even begin to thank the friends and family who helped make it all happen with their contacts and connections. My family has been burning up the pavement on Hwy 70 since last Wednesday.

So where are we now ....we are at Duke and have been meeting with various folks since Friday. Dad checked into the hospital today and surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.

Brain surgery. My Daddy is having brain surgery. And not glamorous, Dr. McDreamy kind of surgery.

This can't be the same man who yelled at the refs at my ball games and the man who played endless hours of baseball and basketball in the front yard with my brother and I. Not the man who used to play Atari games with me and taught my brother to hunt and fish. Not the man who has been by my mom's side since they were 15 years old. Just say it ain't so. Just say it ain't so.

Say when they get inside his brain tomorrow that it ends up being some run of the mill brain tumor. Say that the films got messed up and this is all just a big mistake. Say anything but what I've been hearing.

But I know God is with us. I know he is navigating the car as I make the trip back and forth to Duke. I know he hand picked this medical staff for us. No one else could have created such nice, caring and wonderful people. I know he will get us through these next several days. No one else is strong enough for us to lean on.

As bad as this feels right now, I know we have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful we are so close to such wonderful medical facilities. I am thankful they haven't found any other suspicious areas in his body. I am thankful it is operable. I could keep going, and hell, I am thankful for that.

Dear Lord, be with the surgeons tomorrow. Be with me and my family. Be with our loved ones who couldn't be here with us. Be with those that have graciously given their support so we don't have to worry about the little things.


I love you, Daddy.


  1. Janie I cannot imagine the worry and fear that you are dealing with at this moment. Your dad, the surgeons, you, your mom and brother are all in my prayers. Continue to remember that God is in control. He will get you guys through this tough, trying times.

  2. Praying for you, your dad, the entire family and the surgeons tomorrow. You are already a very close-knit family, but through all this you will become even closer and stronger. Where our strength ends, God's strength begins! He will see you through this! Love you lots!

  3. Bless your heart Janie this is the most precious from the heart post I've ever read. You have all been in our thoughts and prayers every single minute since we hear your Daddy was sick.
    Love to you and your entire family,
