
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Skool is Kool!

Well we did it. Will survived his first day of kindergarten. In even bigger news, I survived his first day of kindergarten!!! 

While I did have to wake him up that morning, he was up and dressed by 6:45, ready to go! I had taken a few hours of vacation that morning so I could go with Matt to drop him off. So we all got ready and posed for some pictures.  

Then we all took Sissy to school. Will was like a celebrity in the halls of HMCS that morning. All the teachers were coming out to give him high fives and hugs while wishing him the best of luck for a great first day.

Off we head to head to elementary school. I am feeling very overwhelmed at this point but I am happy to report that I never did actually break down and cry. That day. I did in the days leading up to it and I have a little today!!

On the first day, you actually get to walk the children to their classroom, so I was happy to oblige!! Will was being super cooperative posing for pictures!

These pics of him walking down the hallway were almost too much for me to handle. His NCSU backpack looks almost like it is too much for him to handle!  But he did absolutely great. Never had a moment of anxiety or anything. 

While we were hanging out in his classroom, our good friends/neighbors (who are first graders) walked by his window and said good morning to him.  What a great way to start the day!!

He was pretty tired when I picked him up that afternoon. This kid does love to sleep and adjusting to no nap is probably going to be his biggest issue at first.

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