Recently Avery had her very first dance recital. It was actually a lot of fun and she did really good. More importantly, she really enjoyed herself. Yes, I took dance for several years as a child but I love sports more. I was actually surprised how emotional I was over the whole recital, even tearing up a few times. I guess deep down it is every mom of a little girl’s dream to see them all dolled up with a tutu and ballet shoes.
I was a tad nervous about her freezing up on stage but that was not the case at all. In fact, she followed the teacher off to the side and the other girls followed Avery!
But the first step to a successful dance recital is all the primping that happens beforehand! Avery had to wear her hair in a ponytail, so we decided to curl it.

And then we paused for a little dancing..

And then it was time for makeup. NaNa did the honors since she and Avery love to apply makeup together!

I just love this picture. Her pose cracks me up….you can tell she loves all the primping and pampering! And blue eye shadow!

Our beautiful dancer!

The recital didn’t last as long as I thought it would, but we were still plenty late getting home. But we still had time to snap a few more pics.

Someone didn’t want to cooperate, but she still got him giggling by the end! Bubba also gave her a ballerina doll but somehow the doll never made it into any pictures.
Avery had a very small class…only 4 little girls. This is Avery and one of her sweet friends.

I leave you with 2 videos I took during the dress rehearsal (she’s the dancer on the left in both).
My favorite thing about the ballet routine is when she takes what seems like 30 seconds to find her spot on the floor.
And then my favorite part of the tap routine is the reverse Michael Jackson moonwalk. She adamantly explained she was doing “heel, toe”. She did great!!!!
Love you Avery and love these fun times!