
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Black Band

The same day as Avery’s recital, Will had a big day too. He passed his black band swimming test at the Y, which means he has free reign of the entire pool!

We were super proud of him and super surprised. He had tried testing one time last summer and didn’t pass. No big deal. He hadn’t even mentioned it this summer so far, but when they blew the whistle for break time last Saturday, instead of coming over to the chairs with us, I looked behind me and he was headed to the lifeguard station to test.

Matt and I didn’t know what to do…do we go over there with him? Or would that make him nervous? Do we stay at our chairs? But is that being a bad parent?

We were basically frozen in shock and then as he was walking back to the lifeguard station, I started over there to find out what the deal was.

Our big guy had passed with flying colors. The lifeguard said “he did great!”.


Bubby, you are growing up way too fast!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dance Flowers

I had to do a separate post on Avery and her flowers at the dance recital. I was a little unsure on how she would react to flowers as a gift. They would either be:

a) the best thing she has ever received


b) thrown to the ground in a tantrum while complaining she didn’t get a Barbie.

I was a little surprised it ended up being the former. But I helped that situation out a little. You see, my good friend’s 2 daughters are big into dance and I told Avery that weekend that Mrs. Tiffany had told me that the best dancers get presented with flowers at the end.

Well, I don’t know if she was listening, but she was thrilled when her dad and grandma handed her flowers. Too sweet! Of course we brought her purple ones (who cares that I had to go to 2 different stores to find half way decent looking purple flowers!)!

She loved them. Kept wanting to pose with them. Stood outside the venue until just about the last person left, showing off her flowers to whomever would look at her.

A few pics….the sweet innocence of youth and flowers….


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Avery’s First Dance Recital

Recently Avery had her very first dance recital. It was actually a lot of fun and she did really good. More importantly, she really enjoyed herself. Yes, I took dance for several years as a child but I love sports more. I was actually surprised how emotional I was over the whole recital, even tearing up a few times. I guess deep down it is every mom of a little girl’s dream to see them all dolled up with a tutu and ballet shoes.

I was a tad nervous about her freezing up on stage but that was not the case at all.  In fact, she followed the teacher off to the side and the other girls followed Avery!

But the first step to a successful dance recital is all the primping that happens beforehand!  Avery had to wear her hair in a ponytail, so we decided to curl it.



And then we paused for a little dancing..


And then it was time for makeup. NaNa did the honors since she and Avery love to apply makeup together!


I just love this picture. Her pose cracks me up….you can tell she loves all the primping and pampering! And blue eye shadow!



Our beautiful dancer!


The recital didn’t last as long as I thought it would, but we were still plenty late getting home. But we still had time to snap a few more pics.


Someone didn’t want to cooperate, but she still got him giggling by the end! Bubba also gave her a ballerina doll but somehow the doll never made it into any pictures.

Avery had a very small class…only 4 little girls. This is Avery and one of her sweet friends.


I leave you with 2 videos I took during the dress rehearsal (she’s the dancer on the left in both).

My favorite thing about the ballet routine is when she takes what seems like 30 seconds to find her spot on the floor.

And then my favorite part of the tap routine is the reverse Michael Jackson moonwalk. She adamantly explained she was doing “heel, toe”. She did great!!!!

Love you Avery and love these fun times!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Father’s Day 2014



No big tear-jerker write up for Father’s Day. It was a hard day for me, as I am sure you can understand.

But there was happiness and moments of celebration. I loved watching the kids shower Matt with love. Children have the uncanny ability to bring out the sunshine in the darkest of moments. Even when Will remarked that this Father’s Day would have been better had Pops been here to celebrate with us, it gave us all the opportunity to realize that my father was actually having an awesome Father’s Day because he was celebrating with the Lord, and really it doesn’t get more grand of a celebration than that, and then with his own father, who died many, many years ago from cancer when my father was even younger than I.

Anyway, Will was very into this Father’s Day for Matt. He made him several things and was up bright and early on that Sunday morning to get everything displayed just so at Matthew’s spot at the kitchen table. Avery and I added our goodies too.


One of Will’s gifts was a painted rock that he made at his after-school program. It cracks me up just a little bit.


Avery dressed up to surprise Matt.


Lucky kids and pooches, for sure!


We always go out for a family lunch after church on Sundays. If there is any special occasion being celebrated, the honoree gets to pick the lunch location. Well, Matt’s choice was Circus Family Restaurant, which for some reason we have always called Circus Chicken. It’s an “interesting” place, to say the least and not in the best section of town. But Matt loves it and eats lunch there often. I will say they have a great ministry here in that they open their doors every Thanksgiving and serve free lunch to the needy.

But it’s a dive…no doubt about it. Even Will remarked that his “arms were sticking to the table”. Ha! I think the employees got a good kick out of us eating there in our Sunday finery.

This was my reaction after lunch. And I promise the frown is just from the blazing hot sun in my eyes.


They have an impressive frozen dessert section so the kids of course loved it. Will got a huge ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. He was wearing a white shirt so guess who had to strip down before enjoying their dessert!!??!!

Happy Father’s Day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Archery is Awesome!

A few weekends ago we took the children to the YMCA’s kick off to summer camp open house. Since Avery will be going for the first time this summer, I wanted her to be familiar with where she would be dropped off, where her backpack would go, etc….

They had the archery open for everyone to use and by far, the kids had the most fun doing this! I even got in on the action, but thankfully there is no picture of that!!

Will has done it before and kinda sorta knows what he is doing.


Matthew, of course, is an old pro.


Avery had a blast getting help from Swyper (yes, that’s his camp nickname). She is going to do just fine at camp!!


I know these pics make for some proud grandpa’s!

Yay for summer!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pomp & Circumstance

It’s hard to believe, but I have a pre-school graduate!! It’s hard to believe that after almost 7.5 years at this school, the Modlin family is moving on!

Last week, Avery graduated from preschool. Thankfully it wasn’t as hot and humid that day as it was for Will’s!


Here comes the graduate!

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She actually led everyone in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Her good bud Eloise held the flag.


Avery and her class showed off their skills with several songs and dances. It was too cute!

Next came the presentation of the diplomas. Ha, they were actually just blank sheets of paper rolled up.  Her “real diploma” was waiting inside!

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Avery’s 2 best buds in a room crowded with boys. These girls have been with Avery for a very long time!


Avery and Sophia have been together since the beginning. They were born one day apart and both have older brothers who are the same age.


A few obligatory pics after the ceremony.

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Great friends!



Inside, where it was much cooler, we had fun taking some family pics…..serious and funny ones! Unfortunately Will was in school. Both of them were so upset he had to miss it.

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Happy Graduation, Avery! You are growing up, too fast I might add, into such a wonderful, smart and beautiful girl.