Wow, what a wild weekend we experienced recently. As in typical Modlin fashion, we were busy busy busy but Mother Nature threw us a curve ball that thankfully we dodged. The forecast all week for Saturday was rain, rain and more rain. I was so sure soccer was going to get rained out that I didn’t even pack up our stuff on Friday night. But somehow the weather held out and we got the game in. The Lions won 8-ish to 6-ish with Sir William scoring 6 of those goals for the Lions. I haven’t taken any pics the last few games and they have won those games. Not saying I am superstitious or anything (ok, I TOTALLY AM….some of y’all might remember me wearing the same pair of socks and hair scrunchie to every sporting event in high school), but I’m not jinxing anything!
I did snap this one pic of the cutest little cheerleader in the world!
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Roar!!!!! |
In the perfect world, we had also planned on going to the NCSU football spring game after soccer. But again, the weather forecast wasn’t looking promising so again I did no preparation beforehand. We came home, checked the radar, and decided to give it a go. So the kids quickly got into their appropriate Wolfpack apparel and away we went. A quick stop at Mickey D’s for some tailgating lunch. The weather was really windy and actually rainy when we got to Carter-Finley so we actually tailgated in the back of the car, but it was still fun. And then the weather broke and we had a lovely, sometimes sunny and hot time. We walked around a bit to see the sights.
Go Pack! |
The wolves statue that Matt did the design work for was a big hit with the kids.
We were having a race...hence my goof ballness in the background |
While we were there, we got to spend some quality time with Mr. and Mrs. Wuf too! Will was very cute with them. Avery, on the other hand, only liked them from afar. And when I mean afar, I mean she spotted them across the stadium during the game and begged Matthew to take her to see Mr. Wuf. So he climbed all the way up the stairs with her, all the way to the other side of the stadium, and then all the way back down the stadium steps to see Mr. Wuf. She completely wigged out 3 feet away from him! This is after she had talked such a big game on that whole trip about him looking soft and she couldn’t wait to hug him and pat his back, etc…. Nada. At least Matt was a good (yet tired) sport about it.
The license plate on their ride says "Mr. Wuf"!!!! |
We left at half-time because it was past naptime and ran a few errands on the way home while the kids napped in the back. Arrived back at the house and turned on TV so Will could continue to chill out a bit after a not so long nap and wow, unbeknownst to us the weather was REALLY BAD. As in multiple tornado cells heading right towards us. So Matthew and I calmly started gathering stuff in the half bath. Thankfully we have a larger than average half bath. And thankfully the children were really none the wiser of what was going on. Will was watching a DVD on the computer and Avery was content playing with her babies. Let me just say that while we have a larger than average half bath, 4 people and 2 dogs is still an adventure. We emerged probably 15 mins later, with no power, to find that thankfully for us, the storms had taken an easterly turn and our neighborhood was virtually untouched. Our street did flood and there was some tree debris, but nothing like what was experience just a few miles east of us. We were supposed to have some friends over for dinner but obviously that was canceled. So we ate a quick dinner on the grill and then actually went out to get ice cream. It really wasn’t until we got back and got the kids to bed that I realized just how serious of a situation we had been dealing with. There was so much devastation, injuries, and lives lost truly just miles of us. Of course I felt all guilty then that we were out celebrating our luck with ice cream.
Yes, my kids were playing in this. And yes, Avery was eventually just down to her diaper. |
Sunday was church and then after naps, Will and I ran errands. He needed to pick out Avery and Stella’s birthday gifts. After that it was Easter dinner and Greta’s birthday celebration at Matt’s mom’s house. Some family friends joined us and were nice enough to bring Will and Avery some craft activities. Avery loves a good art project; she will sit for hours and work on one. Will painted for a bit and then moved onto bigger and better things with the big boys.
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