
Monday, April 11, 2011

Q1 Resolution Update

I guess it is time to face the music and give a Q1 update on my resolutions for 2011.

-Lose the 5lbs I have put back on since Thanksgiving: Check!!

-Lost 10 more lbs this year: On my way, but still not seeing as permanent results as I'd like. But now that the weather is improving,  is my time spent running during the week. So I'm not getting worried yet.

-Become a more patient mother: Not that this one is a constant struggle, but it is something to constantly work at. I'm learning to focus on the children more and less on me in the few waking hours I see them. Basically, Facebook can wait until after their bedtime!

-Work less from home at night: So far so good on this one. My OT has been down considerably so far in 2011.

-Learn to sew: I am certainly working on this one. My only problem is finding time. So far I've done lots of appliqueing on clothes for Avery. My next projects are ruffled pants and a dress for her and then drapes for my bedroom, whenever the fabric comes in!

So while I am satisfied with my progress thus far this year, I still have a ways to go. And not just on the few things outlined below. There is always room for improvement, whether it be your attitude or your eating habits or your relationship with God.  I still think 2011 is going to be an awesome year.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mama J!!! Set goals to strive for but don't be a slave to them. You are so right about facebook etc it can wait Mr. Will and Ms Avery will be 16 before you know it. Enjoy every moment.
    Love Cecilia
