
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Diamond Time

Time to get back out to the baseball diamond!  Will is playing baseball this spring through the same league he played with in the fall.  Still a little too serious for my liking…Will says if you want to be like the big boys, you’ve got to play with the big boys! I guess so!

His team is the Red Sox and it seems like most of the games and practices have been rained/sleeted out this season but hopefully the sunshine is here to stay.

This past Friday night his team won 19-9, but not before letting the other team get the score 12-9 in the 2nd to last inning.  Will led off the rally top half of that inning with a single and then scored the first of many runs that inning!

Just a few pics from the season so far….only 2 more months to go! Ha!!!




Poor Sissy and her chapped, chapped lips! She’s a good sport about being out at the field, as long as I bring lots of snacks.



Kinda sorta not officially Assistant Coach Matt




Avery and another little sister have a lot of fun together. It’s late on Friday (past bedtimes) so we broke out the iPad for a few minutes. Of “Pad of I” as Will likes to call it.


Okay, so that was more than a few pics! Sorry!!

1 comment:

  1. Take me out to the ball game and give me a hot dog and popcorn and sweet tea and I'm good for the night.
    Love love love the pictures.
    Hugs all around
