
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Baby is 5....

Dear Avery-
You are 5 years old today! I truly. can’t. believe. it. It seems like it was yesterday when you (all 10lbs 1.5oz of you) were born.

As you start a new year, a few things to remember about you:
-You weigh 45lbs and are about 46in tall.
-For the most part, you wear a size 6 in clothes.
-You still HATE buttons.
-You still LOVE your brother, although you call him “Will” now more than you call him “Bubba”. “Bubba” is usually reserved for when you are tired or when you want something.
-You also still love your Sunshine and she keeps you up reading way past your bedtime every night.
-Your fave food is probably a cheeseburger with ketchup and pickles. You did not get your love of pickles from me.
-You started taking dance this year, both ballet and tap. You really enjoy it and you first recital is coming up soon!
-You are currently taking swim lessons and surprisingly you really like them. Every time I look, you have your face underwater, which is huge!!!
-Your favorite indoor toys are you Barbies. Your favorite thing to do outside is swing on your swing set. And get dirty. You love to get dirty. I do not love for you to get dirty.
-You and I have a lot of fun watching “Say Yes to the Dress” together. You are so funny to listen to as you describe what you like/dislike about each dress.
-As much as you love frilly, poofy dresses, you are most at home in an ill fitting pirate t-shirt and a pair of Will’s hand me down shorts.
-You start kindergarten in a few short months. I have no doubt you will be the belle of the ball.
-You love candy and anything sweet.
-You still don’t like riding in the car and get a headache almost immediately if you try to pass time time by reading a book. I think you suffer from a little car sickness like your daddy.
-You absolutely love to play outside with all the neighborhood kids and you can hang with them…boys or girls, age 8 or age 4. Makes no difference to you.
-You are still very into me……makes for long nights sometimes around bath time when your Daddy is trying to bathe you and not me. But you absolutely adore him to pieces so your whining for me is short-lived and the next thing I know, you and Daddy are cracking up about something. Probably him wearing your pink sparkly hat to get his lunch today!!!

Avery, I love you so much and I am having so much fun watching you grow up. I can’t wait to see what this year brings for you!

Or “Ama” as you call me a lot…..


  1. Happy Happy 5th Bday Miss Avery!!! I love cheeseburgers and pickles. A gazillion years ago when I was 5 I loved drinking pickle juice out of the jar. My Daddy used to tell me it would dry up all my blood but I kept drinking it. Have a wonderful day and I'm laughing at the visual of you and your sweet Mom watching say yest to the dress!!
    I hope you can 'pump' your swing high this afternoon.
    Love Cecilia
