Both Will and Avery had their school egg hunts this past week and since I am on my little working hiatus, I was able to go do both.
Avery’s was the first one in the week. My last egg hunt at HMCS…sniff, sniff. NOT!!
They do the countdown and they’re off…well, all except these 2. They are too interested in the other class and their hunt! Ha!
Finally she starts hunting! And what a successful hunt it was!
Checking out her loot!
Hanging out post hunt with her buddies.
After all that running around, it’s time to take a break and have a snack. In addition to the typical kid party fare, there was carrots, celery and hummus. The only one of those that frequents the kid plates in our house is carrots, although I did pay them to try hummus the other day. They didn’t like it…that’s okay, the way I see it, that’s just more for me!!
The next day was Will’s egg hunt. His hunt had a lot more eggs! And the eggs all had names written on them so each child could get the same number. It made for a tough hunt for sure!
Waiting for the hunt to begin. If you can’t find Will, he’s the one wearing NEON YELLOW. Ha!
And they’re off!
Checking out what he found.
A really bad pic of the 2 of us, as he is mid-chew with a Starburst!
Ahhhhh what fun I love Easter Egg hunts. Dear Sweet Janie your babies are growing right before my eyes. Lots of love and hugs all around