
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I almost really lost my Marbles…

Last week I chaperoned Avery’s class field trip to Marbles. I did the same with Will a few years ago and you can read about it here.  There was a big difference between the 2 as on Will’s field trip I believe I was only in charge of 2 little boys, including Will. On Avery’s I had 5!!!  Long story short, we were one adult chaperone down due to illness so I had my hands full!! Marbles is an insane place to begin with and I have enough trouble keeping up with my own 2 children when both Matt and I take them.  Five by myself was RUFF.

But, I turned 5 kids back into the teacher that afternoon. And guess what, it was the right 5 kids!! Ha!

Adding to the drama, a student in the other class that went with us started projectile vomiting everywhere. Yeah, so that was fun too!

But back to the field trip! Avery and her friends had so much fun and I must admit all 5 of my little charges were extremely polite and well-behaved.  I couldn’t have asked for a better group of children. Just maybe a smaller group!!

Fun around the museum…..

Playing in the ambulance.


Playing in the vet center. This was kinda sorta  pug!! Avery was over the moon as her career aspirations right now include being a vet.


Puppet show! Bad action shot, I know.


Surf’s up!

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And then I had to include these pics from many moons ago of Avery & Will on the same surfboard! These pics circa February 2011.

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