
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Morning Ritual

On a normal morning in the Modlin house, I get Avery up and after taking care of business (aka changing her diaper and finding the perfect "pink bow"), we cross the hall to Will's room to get him up. This is one of their favorite parts of the day. Will refuses to get out of bed in the morning unless Avery gets him up. 

I am so lucky and happy that Will and Avery love each other so much. They run to each other when they see one another.  They share food (most of the time). And a lot of the time, they will share their toys. Will is continuously in awe of all the things he can teach her, like different words and how to do "tricks." Avery will sometimes climb up into his lap and say, "Baba hold AB?" Their rooms at school are connected and the school had to put construction paper over the bottom half of the window of the connecting door to prevent them from standing there and staring at each other all day. Evidently Avery gets quite upset when she sees him at school but can't be with him. So while they still like sharing a bathroom and the mere presence of one another, I better write all this down to look back on one day!

Back to the original subject of the post, the mornings go something like this:

Avery crawls into Will's bed and makes her way to the head of the bed.

She pulls back all the covers and moves all the stuffed animals until she finds him.

"Morning, Baba"
"Morning, Avery"

She then pats him on the head repeatedly and then hugs and kisses him.  He snuggles up to her and then usually does something like puts her in a choke hold or knees her in the head as he is "loving" her. 

Then she starts crying. 

And then he starts crying. 

But for 30 seconds every morning, it brings tears (of joy) to my eyes.



  1. Ahhhhh that brought tears to my eyes too.
    I wish I had a sweet little Avery voice to wake me up!!
    Love Cecilia

  2. love it! She is looking so grown up!
